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- Krisenkompetenz
Ort: Graz
Termine individuell auf Anfrage
Termine individuell nach Vereinbarung
Mag. Ute Kienzl
Sternwirtweg 22b
8047 Graz - Austria
Tel/Fax: +43(0)316/303765
Mobil: +43(0)664/9432258
Kienzl , Ute (2012 ) : Gestalt pedagogy as a bridge to the unfamiliar. A transnational training project for teachers, supported by the Comenius program of
the European commission. In : Svoboda, Ursula , Scala , Eva ; Well , Jimmy (ed.) : Gestaltpädagogisch Lernen und Beraten: Theorie, Praxis und Methoden für die Schule und andere pädagogische
Arbeitsfelder. Berlin: Dohrmann
Kienzl , Ute (2010) : Humanistic education and personality development. History, theoretical background and aim of the Erasmus Intensive Programme for Integral Education. In : Michaelis, Daniela ; Bachmann, Gerhild (ed.): Lebenslanges Lernen - freudvoll und intergral. Stuttgart : Ibidem .
Kienzl , Ute (2007) : Cooperative systemic constellations. bestNET
Kienzl , Ute (2000 ): The Modellschule Graz. In : Schreyögg , Astrid : Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching . Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Kienzl , Ute (1992 ): The Modellschule as learning environment - a Lernstück of Humanistic Education. Practical work with learning goals. Example mathematics, 8 School level . Results from the scientific survey. What has the learning goal-oriented assessment with a moon rocket in common .
In : Michaelis, Daniela (ed.) : Was, das kann ich auch? Graz München: Profile .
Kienzl , Ute ; Winkler, Andrea (1992 ) : About the development of the learning goals . In : Michaelis, Daniela (ed.) : Was, das kann ich auch? Graz München: Profile
Conference report, journal :
Forster, Ursula ; Kienzl , Ute (2012 ) : Humanistic pedagogy , heterogeneity and personality development - Gestalt pedagogy as a bridge to the unfamiliar in the Erasmus / Comenius programs of the European commission. In : conference report of the Congress of IAHE at the State University of Veliky Novgorod and the Academy for training in St. Petersburg ( ) .
Forster, Ursula ; Kienzl , Ute (2011) : Concept and lifelong learning strategies at international level . In : Journal of Gestalt pedagogy . Bergisch Gladbach : EHP Edition Humanistische Psychologie .
Kienzl , Ute ; Pretscher , Astrid (2011): Gestalt pedagogy and the " young generation " . In : Journal of Gestalt pedagogy . Bergisch Gladbach : EHP .
Bürmann , Jörg ; Forster, Ursula ; Kienzl , Ute ( eds.) ( 2004) : Gestalt pedagogy as a bridge to strangers. A short report on a formative educational Comenius project . In : Journal of Gestalt pedagogy . Bergisch Gladbach : EHP .
Kienzl , Ute
(2012 ) : The existential aspect of Gestalt pedagogy .
(2009) : Assert yourself, teacher ! Dominance and pedagogy.
(2006) : Logic - Gestalt pedagogic.
(2005) : Standards in teacher training .
(2004 ) : Tolerance in the classroom - experiences of a maths teacher.
(2003 ) : The Developmental Psychology of associations.
(2002) : Once the reputation is ruined ....
(2002) : Gestalt pedagogy in math´s teaching " triangles " .
(2001) : Success in teaching practice ( 1996) home country - wherefrom - whereto.
(1995 ) : Mathematics and personality development.
(1994 ) : How to feel Mathematics - the geometry of the relationships .
(1992 ) : Mathematics - the always different thing in Gestalt pedagogy.
In : Journal of Gestalt pedagogy . Bergisch Gladbach : EHP .